Travel Grants
A limited number of Youth Travel Fund (YTF) grants are available for participants from the FEBS area, and from outside the FEBS area. The conditions of application are as follows:
For YTF awardees from the FEBS area:
- The applicant should be not older than 35, should be registered as a PhD student at an institute of higher learning in a country where there is a FEBS Constituent Society or should be a postdoctoral scientist within five years of having completed a PhD thesis, working in a country where there is a FEBS Constituent Society;
- The applicant must be a member of a FEBS Constituent Society and provide a valid certificate of membership (for FEBS Constituent Societies, see the Our Members section of the website);
- The applicant should not have received a grant from the Youth Travel Fund to attend a FEBS Course / Workshop in the current year or previous year, nor a Bursary to attend the FEBS Congress in the current year, nor a grant to attend the FEBS Young Scientists’ Forum in the current year;
- The applicant cannot be a resident of the country hosting the event;
- For awards with travel funding, only travel within the FEBS area from the applicant’s current country of residence to the country hosting the FEBS event is supported;
- Young scientists from the Organizers’ laboratories are not eligible for FEBS YTF awards.
Please note that the number of meeting travel awards you have previously received from FEBS (FEBS Congress Bursary, FEBS YSF grant, and FEBS YTF award for FEBS Advanced Course) may also be taken into consideration in your selection.
For YTF awardees from outside the FEBS area:
- Transcontinental YTF awards may be offered by some FEBS Advanced Courses as a result of support from IUBMB for participation of scientists from outside the FEBS area in these events.
- The applicant should not be older than 35, should be registered as a PhD student at an institute of higher learning in a country where there is an IUBMB-adhering body but not a FEBS Constituent Society, or should be a postdoctoral scientist within five years of having completed a PhD thesis, working in a country where there is an IUBMB-adhering body but not a FEBS Constituent Society;
- The applicant must be a member of an IUBMB-related society and provide a valid certificate of membership;
- The applicant should not have received a grant from the Youth Travel Fund to attend a FEBS Course / Workshop in the current year or previous year, nor a Bursary to attend the FEBS Congress in the current year, nor a grant to attend the FEBS Young Scientists’ Forum in the current year;
- Awards will only be made to support travel from the applicant’s current country of residence to the country hosting the FEBS event;
- Young scientists from the Organizers’ laboratories are not eligible for FEBS YTF awards.
Applicants must first submit register in the online database of the event. Please note that you have to select a registration category in order to be able to apply for a grant. After finishing the registration please select “Grant” from the left side menu of the registration database, fill in and submit the form to apply for the grant. In addition, the YTF applicants should send the completed applications (including CV, Motivation letter etc.) together with documented proof of their eligibility and a recommendation letter from the current or previous supervisor (if applicable) by e-mail:
When the Organizers take into account scientific achievements of the YTF applicants, the length of the applicants’ research periods should also be considered.
Grant requests without proper documentation will not be considered. Applications received after 30 June 2022 will not be considered.
More information is available about FEBS Youth Travel Funds at the following link: